The safety and wellbeing of our child campers and staff is our highest priority.
We follow school guidelines of a maximum ratio of 1:10 adults to children.
However, we usually have groups of between 6-8 kids per adult supervisor, this does not include “floating” adult supervisors that go between groups, significantly lowering the overall adult to child ratio.
Group allocation is based on age to keep children alongside other campers of a similar age.
For some team game activities all groups are merged together for larger group games, with these larger groups maintaining a balance of ages and genders so as to allow these larger groups to be balanced fairly.
All activities are held in or beside our sheltered base camp. Children are allocated into small groups with an adult supervisor, and all activities are conducted under adult supervision.
Children are not allowed to wander off alone. Bathroom breaks and snacks/lunch are all monitored by adult supervisors (for bathroom breaks supervisors are advised to wait outside of bathroom/changing room unless an issue requires them to enter).
Our non-water play or outdoor activities activities are conducted under shelter at our base camp to protect against the sun and rain and therefore are unaffected by severe weather issues.
Water play and water excursion activities we only pause during official lightning alerts issued by the government, in this instance the activity is suspended and we conduct alternative activities and games until the lightning alert is dropped.
Please note Hydrodash is only available for selection to campers 7 years and above, an alternative activity such as shoreline slip n' slide will be offered to those campers under 7years or those not wishing to select Hydrodash as an activity option
Kayaking is only available for selection to campers 10 years and above, an alternative activity such as Nestopia netted obstacle course will be offered to those campers under 10 years or those not wishing to select Kayaking as an activity option.
The safety and wellbeing of our child campers and staff is our highest priority.
We follow school guidelines of a maximum ratio of 1:10 adults to children.
However, we usually have groups of between 6-8 kids per adult supervisor, this does not include “floating” adult supervisors that go between groups, significantly lowering the overall adult to child ratio.
Group allocation is based on age to keep children alongside other campers of a similar age.
For some team game activities all groups are merged together for larger group games, with these larger groups maintaining a balance of ages and genders so as to allow these larger groups to be balanced fairly.
All activities are held beside our base camp. Children are allocated into small groups with an adult supervisor, and all activities are conducted under adult supervision.
Children are not allowed to wander off alone. Bathroom breaks and snacks/lunch are all monitored by adult supervisors (for bathroom breaks supervisors are advised to wait outside of bathroom/changing room unless an issue requires them to enter).
The safety and wellbeing of our child campers and staff is our highest priority.
All excursion activities require children to wear life preservers (at both Adventure Cove and Hydrodash). For Hydrodash children should be comfortable swimming.
Beach water play activities are only conducted under adult supervision, both from shore and in the water (no life preservers). Children are not allowed to go further into the sea water than they can stand with their head above the water and must not go past the in-water adult supervisors (other adult supervisors monitor from the shoreline for children playing on the sand or at waters edge).
Both excursion activities and beach play are also conducted within the sights of third party life guards in addition to our sports instructors and adult camp supervisors.
The typical thunderstorm is 26kms in diameter and lasts an average of 30 minutes. During lightning storms we suspend all water and outdoor play and seek shelter.
Adventure cove is a full day programme. While it may rain this does not effect this day, only passing lightning storms which may only last 30mins or so, in which case we switch to playing various camp games selected by each individual groups adult supervisor. Games can be either group or individual challenges and are used to make use of the time in a fun and constructive manner. We often choose games that lower inhibitions and promote self confidence or camaraderie.
The same goes for Hydrodash which is a one hour activity and will resume or start after lightning signal is dropped.
As explained above for water excursion activities we only pause during official lightning alerts issued by the government, in this instance the activity is suspended and we conduct alternative activities and games until the lightning alert is dropped.
For our other activities these are conducted at our base camp under shelter to protect against the sun and rain and therefore are unaffected by severe weather issues.
The safety and wellbeing of our child campers and staff is our highest priority.
All activities are held in or around our sheltered base camp. Children are allocated into small groups with an adult supervisor, and all activities are conducted under adult supervision.
The typical thunderstorm is 26kms in diameter and lasts an average of 30 minutes. During lightning storms we suspend all water and outdoor play and seek shelter.
Adventure cove is a full day programme. While it may rain this does not effect this day, only passing lightning storms which may only last 30mins or so, in which case we switch to playing various camp games selected by each individual groups adult supervisor. Games can be either group or individual challenges and are used to make use of the time in a fun and constructive manner. We often choose games that lower inhibitions and promote self confidence or camaraderie.
The same goes for Hydrodash which is a one hour activity and will resume or start after lightning signal is dropped.
As explained above for water excursion activities we only pause during official lightning alerts issued by the government, in this instance the activity is suspended and we conduct alternative activities and games until the lightning alert is dropped.
For our other activities these are conducted under shelter to protect against the sun and rain and therefore are unaffected by severe weather issues.
Water will be available throughout the camp to refill water bottles.
Children should bring along additional snack items (Please note that Camp GungHo aims to be as nut free as possible within the limits of public and shared space.
NO NUTS or products containing nuts should be brought to camp, no peanut butter, nut candies etc.)
Students should bring a balanced a nourishing pre-packed lunch and drinks from home to the Camp Programme for consumption during the lunch break.
There is a vending machine available beside the camp base that delivers snacks and drinks, if children wish to purchase from these vending machines they should bring $2 notes and coin change.
We want the kids to be as comfortable as possible – and so do they!
Therefore we don’t have a strict dress code - although we encourage everyone to proudly wear their cool Camp GungHo T-shirt. This reinforces camp spirit and group identification when out and about!
However we do recommend closed toe appropriate shoes such as trainers/sneakers/runners.
All activity and lesson materials will be provided.
All campers must bring a bag that includes a their EZ-Link card, a water bottle, hat, sun screen, hand sanitiser and their snacks and lunch. Additionally you may wish to add insect repellant and a small towel.
Children will be required to bring their EZ-Link card with them each day, this may be necessary especially when visiting various sites on excursions.
You should pack snacks and will need to bring water bottles so that your child stays hydrated during camp.
It is also advisable to bring a sun hat, sun screen and insect repellant. Furthermore, your child should wear appropriate, comfortable footwear (preferably closed toe). Flip-Flops and slippers are not appropriate footwear for camp activities.
We do not encourage children to bring high value items such as smart phones to camp, should they do so you acknowledge and agree that Get GungHo Pte Ltd and their directors, shareholders, employees and contractors ( hereinafter collectively referred to as “Releasees” ) will not be liable for any claims, demands, costs, expenses, actions and causes of action whatsoever arising out of or in relation to any loss or damage to any property owned by me or my child, howsoever caused.
Yes, it’s very important to give us an up to date emergency contact number in your registration account in case we have to get hold of you. This can be a named guardian, if you’re away.
We encourage parent involvement for those that wish to join our Junior Camps (children 4-6 years old). However you are also welcome to drop-off and collect your child, leaving them with our experienced adult supervisors.
For parents of children at older camps, while parents are able to observe the camp most parents choose not to.
A significant outcome of camp attendance for children is to encourage supervised independence and confidence in a controlled safe space.
Please note that your child's camp fee includes entry to excursion activities for the child only (not parents).
Yes! Parents, Grandparents and other family and friends love being able to see what the children get up to and enjoy during the holiday camp programmes.
We will share with you via email and social media images and videos of the camp and activities during and after the camp programme duration. These posts may be shared by you to your family and friends!
We will also offer the option to purchase higher resolution photos individually.
By registering with any Get GungHo camp and its related activities you acknowledge and authorise Get GungHo Pte Ltd to take photos/videos of your child(ren) where the child(ren) could be identified. Furthermore, you acknowledge and agree that photos and videos will be used for the purpose of sharing them with the parents and publishing them on Get GungHo social media and business website for marketing and publicity purposes deemed appropriate by Get GungHo Pte Ltd.
Copyright © 2023 Get GungHo - All Rights Reserved.