Please reach us at if you cannot find an answer to your question.
If you/your child(ren) are registered for weekly football programmes please ensure you have saved our WhatsApp number +65 98600822 to your mobile phone contacts to receive updates and messages.
Football Programme is open to any child, aged 2 – 12 years old .
Dependent on age, activity and programme sessions vary from 30 to 90 minutes.
$35 per session.
Parents are billed in advance of sessions following a billing cycle of every 8/10 weeks.
There is a concession for three or more registered siblings or if any child attends more than once a week.
Click here to REGISTER and here for a FREE TRIAL
By registering on any Get GungHo trial, activity or programme you acknowledge and accept our Terms and Conditions.
The annual registration fee covers administrative costs and is valid from 1st January to 31st December each year.
Yes. Your child simply has to turn up at a pre-arranged trial session.
Fees will be pro-rated upon registration sign-up.
We accept payment by payNOW, payLah! or Bank Transfer.
We also accept PayPal for payments made by Visa or Mastercard with a 4% surcharge.
Click here to REGISTER and here for a FREE TRIAL
By registering on any Get GungHo trial, activity or programme you acknowledge and accept our Terms and Conditions.
– Suitable footwear
– Shin pads for Football programmes (not included in Get GungHo kits)
– Get GungHo Kit once received
– Water
– Sun cream
– Insect repellent (optional)
Yes. However, we do not provide shin pads. Please purchase them at your own cost.
The Get GungHo kit reinforces team spirit and camaraderie and is necessary for participation in our weekly activities, games and programmes.
The cost of the kit is $70, and includes a jersey, pair of shorts and pair of socks .
We welcome parents, caregivers and other family members to watch and enjoy our training sessions and games.
Furthermore, we welcome and encourage parent involvement and assistance in running sessions.
All feedback from parents is welcomed and valued.
Sessions are held at various locations across Singapore. (Please see location details).
We aim to keep a ratio of 1:8 coach/player dependent on the group's ability and age.
Fun and engaging sessions that are designed to develop a child’s skills whilst capturing their imagination and match/game play every session once they reach 5 years.
Each session is designed to develop required football/sports skills.
Football Programme: Click here to REGISTER and here for a FREE TRIAL
By registering for any Get GungHo trial, activity or programme you acknowledge and accept our Terms and Conditions.
We will continue to train unless there is very heavy rain and thunder/lightning.
The children will wait out 10-15 minutes for the rain and lightning to subside, then continue with the training.
If sessions are to be called off due to bad weather, we will offer an alternative session (day of the week and location may vary) to replace the missed lesson that must be made up during the current term.
Where sessions are cancelled due to bad weather, parents will receive notification via WhatsApp 30 minutes before the start of the session.
For fees already paid for cancelled sessions that are not offered with an alternative these will be offset in the next invoice.
If a session commences and then has to be stopped due to bad weather (if a session runs for more than 20 mins) then no make-up session will be offered.
We use the government NEA App for our readings.
If the 1 hour PM2.5 reading goes over 130 training sessions will be canceled.
Haze updates will be sent out through the TeamLinkt app groups.
We will try to give as much notice as possible prior to training.
If sessions are to be called off due to haze, we will offer an alternative session (day of the week and location may vary) to replace the missed lesson that must be made up during the current term.
If make-up sessions are offered, fees already paid for the cancelled session will be offset in the next invoice.
If we cancel the class, we will offer an alternative session (day of the week and location may vary) to replace the missed lesson that must be made up during the current term.
Absence without a medical certificate will only count if an email is sent to THREE days prior to any missed lesson. In this instance, you may arrange a make-up lesson at an available time at one of our alternative sessions. There will be no adjustment of fees.
Medical certificates must be uploaded via this form link for medical leave absence, then your child may attend a make-up class at one of our alternative sessions for this missed session.
For COVID-19 positive ART test results or COVID-19 Health Risk Warning (HRW) please send a photo of positive ART test or screenshot of HRW message.
Absence due to overseas travel will only count if an email is sent to FOURTEEN days prior to any missed lesson. In this instance, you may arrange a make-up lesson at an available time at one of our alternative sessions. There will be no adjustment of fees.
Should you be aware of planned travel details prior to the start of a Term you may inform us in advance and we will prorate your Term fees to reflect the lessons attended.
Make-up classes must be attended within 4 weeks and in the current term of the missed session and at any location other than the one they regularly attend.
Parents are to email at least THREE days in advance of make-up class planning to attend, indicating which date they are making up for.
Children who turn up for make-up class without prior notice may be sent home.
Please send us an email at
Your deposit will be returned within 14 days upon our receipt of the deposit form.
We love our customers, sign up for a FREE TRIAL or REGISTER here to join us
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